Talking Meds Episode 7: Update to the NICE guideline on Menopause with Hayley Berry

Jonathan talks to Hayley Berry about the update to the NICE Guideline on the identification and management of the menopause, published in November 2024.

Hayley has a background in community pharmacy and general practice and now works for CPPE at the University of Manchester as a Lead learning development pharmacist. As a pharmacist independent prescriber, she works at a private menopause clinic and was a member of the NICE Menopause guideline development committee.

Jonathan and Hayley discuss the important aspects of the update and touch on some of the somewhat controversial issues that surround this subject. The choice about whether to take HRT or not is a highly preference sensitive decision, where the values and preference of each woman needs to be taken into account. They discuss the various tools available to help facilitate those conversations, particularly the discussion tool published by NICE to accompany the guideline update, as well as the excellent GP Evidence website and the upcoming patient decision aid being developed by the Winton Centre. They also discuss the research recommendations within the guideline, highlighting how relatively poor the existing evidence base is for the management of the menopause.

Resources mentioned in this episode include:

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