Virtual induction

It all starts here...

This page is a great way to get started using our website. You'll find a concise overview of our resources and some of the things you'll need to bear in mind when using the site.

Register for an account

To access most of our resources you'll need to be logged in. If you don't already have one, you can register for an account on the left hand side of this page. Please use the 'Organisation' drop down list to let us know which ICS/Health Board/CSU/IHN or other subscribing organisation you fall under so that you are given the correct access level.

Sign up for our newsletter

Our monthly newsletter is the best way of staying up to date with new resources, forthcoming webinars and events, and other news.

You can register to receive our newsletter here.

What you will be able to see on the site is determined by whether you fall under a subscribing organisation, and what you have permission to view. Please contact us if you are not part of an organisation that subscribes and would like to do so.

For further details please view our Who can access PrescQIPP resources guide.


All users working in the NHS will be able to view shared good practice projects and innovation webinars, plus all bulletins 12 months after their initial publication for subscribers. All our other resources are for subscribers only.

Registered subscribers

The medicines optimisation teams, GP practice and PCN healthcare professionals, plus Acute, Community and Mental Health Trusts, care homes and community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians of subscribing organisations will have access to almost everything on the site. 

Other permissions

Access to the following elements are only available to users nominated by the lead(s) of subscribing organisations:

  • Primary care rebates
  • ICS Dashboard
  • E-learning course licenses


Information hubs pulling together all resources and good practice in key therapeutic (e.g. diabetes) or strategic (e.g. polypharmacy) areas.

View Webkits


Evidence-based clinical guidance with practical implementation materials for local delivery, all robustly quality assured with input from key stakeholders.

View Bulletins

Data and analysis

A suite of powerful prescribing data intelligence reports, across strategic, financial, project (scorecards) and clinical (snapshots) areas.

View Data and analysis

Clinical webinars

Sign up for live sessions and view recordings on a wide range of clinical topics including our series of monthly masterclasses.

View Clinical webinars

Primary Care Rebates

Details of the process and schemes assessed by our Pharmaceutical Industry Scheme Governance Review Board.

View Primary Care Rebates

Resource pipeline

Details our most recently published resources and those passing through quality assurance.

View Resource pipeline

Access to the suite of powerful interactive data driven intelligence reports in our data hub is probably one of the valuable benefits of subscription.

The powerful tools on there let you view and manipulate national prescribing data to:

  • benchmark what you are prescribing and spending
  • monitor changes in your activity
  • identify priority areas
  • see the potential savings of making changes
  • calculate the cost of lost opportunities
  • and much more

The incredible collective knowledge, expertise and experience of subscribers is one of the greatest strengths of our community. This section of our site provides links to all the ways that we promote and share good practice.

Innovation and best practice

Case studies of good practice from our community and NHS. Includes links to all entries to our annual awards.

Virtual professional groups

Regular virtual meetings for subscribers to connect and share experiences on a range of important topics.

Previous Award winners

Details of the winning teams and projects from our Annual Awards ceremonies.

E-learning courses

Details of all our published e-learning courses and flyers for promotion to colleagues.

Therapeutic workshops

Details of facilitated training workshops on a range of key therapeutic topics that can be delivered virtually or in person.

Skills webinars

Suite of skills based training webinars to complement our clinical webinars and resources.

Leadership at lunch

Six one-hour sessions covering the fundamental elements and considerations of leadership whether for projects, teams or systems.

Several sources of support are available to continue helping you and your colleagues to get the most out of your subscription.

Help centre

Provides answers to the most frequently asked questions and queries arranged by area.

Help centre >

PrescQIPP Champions

Subscribing organisation can nominate 'Champions' to receive training on our resources, support colleagues and cascade information. You can see who is nominated under your area.

Find our more > >

Email for help

All queries received to our inbox are triaged and assigned to the most appropriate member of the team.

Email the helpdesk > >